1 bag ~ 6lbs. Shipped frozen.
Color can vary throughout the sausage.
Kiełbasa Biała (BEEYAH-wah), or white kiełbasa, is fresh, uncooked, and unsmoked sausage. It is typically made from pork shoulder, sometimes with a little beef and veal. The kiełbasa is seasoned with salt, pepper, garlic, and marjoram, although this varies from family to family.
The sausage is commonly boiled and browned, baked, or sautéed with onions. It is served hot or cold often with chrzan (a horseradish and vinegar condiment) or ćwikła (horseradish and beets), with sauerkraut or noodles, and as a sandwich on rye bread. While eaten year-round, it is indispensable for Christmas and in żurek soup on Easter morning.